Building a Network
Many seniors are already involved in climate action through personal action and as members of groups. They retrofit their homes, donate to environmental groups, volunteer with a local or national organization and vote for candidates who promote climate action.
We want to strengthen the actions of seniors already involved and encourage more seniors to join us through the creation of a network.
Have a look at how seniors in many groups are confronting the climate crisis.
The Network
By Region
National Capital Region & Eastern Ontario

Below 2C
Below 2C’s vision is a fossil-free Canada during our grandchildren’s lifetime. Their goals are the following:
- To raise awareness about the need to limit the warming of the planet to less than 2°C.
- To influence our politicians at all levels to take pressing action on pricing carbon.
- To facilitate and accelerate our transition to a clean energy platform by 2050.
Ottawa, ON

Citizen Climate Counsel/Conseil des Citoyens sur le Climat (C3)
A group of retired seniors who collectively have over 300 person years of experience in environmental management, both domestic and international, as well as extensive senior level experience with decision-making, governance, policy and legal issues; indigenous, vulnerable groups and social issues; and working with all levels of government and the private and not-for profit sectors. We offer high level strategic help (research, short briefings, networking) to take advantage of opportunities to enhance the city of Ottawa’s ability to move forward on climate change issues thoughtfully and swiftly while engaging with the citizens of Ottawa in the process.
Ottawa, ON

Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR)
CACOR is a non-governmental organization dedicated to intelligent debate and action on global issues. Our mission is to actively engage the public and decision-makers on key global and Canadian issues by encouraging you to share information; to inform and motivate citizens and decision-makers to take action to limit, stabilize and reverse demands on local ecosystems and the global ecosystem.
Ottawa, ON

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national, progressive organization of members who are inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. Their work focuses on three key policy areas: poverty in Canada, climate justice, and refugee rights. For more than 50 years, justice-oriented people of faith, along with churches and religious orders, have joined their voices as Citizens for Public Justice. Together, they’re working towards a better Canada. Citizens for Public Justice seeks human flourishing and the integrity of creation as our faithful response to God’s call for love and justice. They envision a world in which individuals, communities, societal institutions, and governments all contribute to and benefit from the common good.Their mission is to promote public justice in Canada by shaping key public policy debates through research and analysis, publishing, and public dialogue. CPJ encourages citizens, leaders in society, and governments to support policies and practices which reflect God’s call for love, justice, and the flourishing of Creation.
Ottawa, ON

Citizens’ Climate Lobby – NCR-CCL Chapter (Ottawa Region)
The mission of the Ottawa chapter of the CCL is to help grow a network of individuals and organizations committed to reducing greenhouse gas missions.
We’re part of an international non-partisan, grassroots organization with about 600 chapters around the world. We build the political will for a stable, livable climate. Using science-based information on climate change, we develop relationships with our elected politicians and the media, and providing reliable information. Our specific goal is the creation and implementation of legislation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions with a rising carbon fee that is revenue-neutral. This will promote low-carbon alternatives and our transition to a net-zero economy. This policy will save lives, improve health, conserve nature, promote equity and position Canada to participate in the growth of a global climate-smart economy.
National Capital Region, ON

Climate Change Café
In July 2019, we organized a small community dialogue of environmental activists and other interested people, on coping with climate change in our lives. A second Café was planned for summer 2020 but is now postponed until some time in 2021. The focus will be on supporting action in the larger community.
Kate McLaren, of Climate Change Café, is the artist who painted the beautiful artwork that you can find throughout our website. Learn more about her and her artwork here.
Perth, ON

Climate Network Lanark
The mission of the network is to connect, coordinate, facilitate, initiate and support collaborative efforts and actions by and for the community to address the impacts of climate change through both mitigation and adaptation.
Learn more about Climate Network Lanark.
Lanark County, Smiths Falls & Area, ON

County Sustainability Group
CSG was formed in 2006 and has consistently been supporting sustainable solutions to the complex problems that are associated with food and fuel security, globally and locally. They bring a global perspective to local activities in Prince Edward County. By exploring and initiating practical ways of doing this, they engage with others working towards a desirable future.
Prince Edward County, ON

The Energy Mix
The Energy Mix is published by Energy Mix Productions Inc., a Canadian non-profit that promotes community awareness of, engagement in, and action on climate change, energy, and carbon-free solutions. They are a centring point—in functional terms, a rewrite desk—for the avalanche of climate news that appears every morning, making it easier track the most important stories and cut through the backlog on email and social media.
Learn more about the Energy Mix.
Ottawa, ON

For Our Grandchildren
For Our Grandchildren’s mission is to engage and mobilize our community to take effective action to combat climate change. In relentless pursuit of this mission, they advocate/enlist support from local governments and collaborate effectively with like-minded community organizations.
Peterborough, ON

Grandmothers’ Advocacy Network (GRAN)
GRAN is a dynamic network of volunteers from across Canada working together to influence policy change and stimulate effective action in Canada and internationally to promote and protect the human rights of grandmothers, children and youth of sub-Saharan Africa. GRAN’s work is grounded on a firm commitment to social justice, equality and human rights. Older women and the children they support are at the centre of our advocacy.
Ottawa, ON

The Group of 78
Since its origins in 1981, the Group of 78 has promoted dialogue about a progressive Canadian foreign policy, based on the principles of sustainable PEACE through common security, JUSTICE in prosperity, equity, inclusion with diversity, and SURVIVAL of our planet in the face of modern human activity.
Climate Legacy is hosted by the Group of 78.
Ottawa, ON

Just Recovery Kingston
Just Recovery Kingston formed during COVID to “build back better” at the local level—a recovery that puts people and the environment first. This year they are focussed on expanding access to community gardens on city land and expanding fare-free transit in Kingston.
Kingston, ON

Living Green
Our group meets twice a month to identify ways we can help each other and our rural community to live greener. We believe it is important to have practical projects that engage our community members. As we live far from any supermarkets our focus since the beginning has been on ways to enhance local food production, processing, and storage. We are studying permaculture methods, planting nut trees, and learning how to graft fruit trees, make sauerkraut, and press apples. We plan to revive the practice of storing winter vegetables in root cellars that we construct. We share information on ecological issues through discussion and films, and we have begun a series of presentations by local artists whose works feature environmental themes. We aim to have a stronger and more resilient community that can meet the environmental challenges we face today and in the future.
To get in touch:
Matawatchan, ON

Peterborough Alliance for Climate Action (PACA)
Organizes demonstrations and events to inspire awareness and action on climate change. Current campaigns include: sending the City’s Emergency Declaration to Peterborough businesses, an electric school bus campaign, a city anti-idling campaign, and an active transit campaign.
To get in touch:
Peterborough, ON

Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford
Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford is focused on taking positive, practical action to address the climate crisis. They are made up of the citizens of the Merrickville-Wolford area, anyone who wants to contribute to actions big and small to learn together, build community resilience, and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. They have been gathering and working together since the fall of 2019. They began with a community potluck, and have enjoyed many planning evenings sharing a meal while discussing strategies to bring greater awareness to practical ways to contribute to solving the climate crisis.
Learn more about Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford
Merrickville-Wolford, ON

Transition Cornwall+
Transition Cornwall+ is part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that began in the United Kingdom in 2005 and has since spread to hundreds of communities around the world. They are one of the many Canadian communities associated with the international Transition Network.
Transition Cornwall+ supports Cornwall and neighbouring communities in facing challenges such as the rising cost of energy and food, extreme weather, and financial uncertainty. By working together right now, they aim to create a more affordable, caring, healthy and secure future for all.
Learn more about Transition Cornwall+
Cornwall Region, ON

Sustainable Orillia
Sustainable Orillia is a network of citizens committed to improving the quality of life, the health and wellness, and the environment in our community. Mandated and supported by the Mayor and Council, Sustainable Orillia provides an overarching framework for programs and partnerships that target more sustainable practices linking community environment, economics and society.
The mission of Sustainable Orillia is to engage the community in actions that build more rewarding and healthy lives for the people of Orillia, our children and grandchildren.
Learn more about Sustainable Orillia
Orillia, ON

Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-op
The Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative, incorporated in 2010, has continued to grow as a local, green investment opportunity in Eastern Ontario. They strive to provide residents of the area with the chance to diversify their portfolios by investing in renewable energy development in their own communities. With a growing portfolio and membership, the Co-operative continues to expand its horizons every year, while staying true to its grassroots origin
Ottawa, ON

Environment Haliburton
Environment Haliburton (or EH!) takes a comprehensive view of environmental issues in Haliburton County and provides a strong voice to encourage positive initiatives and oppose those that could have an adverse effect on the environment.
EH! also recognizes and wants to work with other organizations that have an interest in specific environmental subjects: forest, wetlands, headwaters, trails, recreation, lake associations etc.
Learn more about Environment Haliburton
Haliburton County
Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Central Ontario & Southwestern Ontario

Ecological Farmers of Ontario
Ecological Farmers of Ontario’s mission is to support farmers to build resilient ecological farms and grow a strong knowledge-sharing community. We envision an Ontario where thriving ecological farms are the foundation of our food system, and where agriculture protects our resources, increases biodiversity, mitigates climate change, and fosters healthy, vibrant communities.
Established in 1979 by farmers for farmers, EFAO is a membership organization that focuses on farmer-led education, research and community building. EFAO brings farmers together so they can learn from each other and improve the health of their soils, crops, livestock and the environment, while running profitable farm businesses.
Guelph, ON

Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet (GASP)
GASP is a grassroots, non-partisan group of grandmothers and grand ‘others’ who care deeply about the world our descendants will inherit. We join with young people and our grandchildren to amplify their voices in the fight for our planet.
Halton/Hamilton Region, ON

Seniors for Climate Action Now! (SCAN)
Young people are calling on governments to act decisively on the climate emergency. As seniors we will support their lead, amplify their voices and add our own to the growing movement for climate action. We are building a seniors’ climate action group. One that is democratic, accountable, equitable and participatory. A community in which we value each other’s knowledge, experience and views.
Our group will inform and mobilize seniors in an effort to prevent more climate catastrophes. We recognize that climate action is also a demand for social justice and economic transformation-the opportunity, as well as the need, to address racism and economic inequities. We know that Canada was founded on the occupation/invasion/colonization of Indigenous lands. We are in this for the sake of future generations and the survival of life on the planet.
Check out their website, or connect with SCAN on Facebook, Twitter (@Seniors_CAN) & Instagram (@Seniorsforclimateactionnow).
Greater Toronto Area, ON

Swapnil Canada
Swapnil’s aim is to enhance Bangladeshi newcomers’ integration into the Canadian economy by tailoring members’ diverse global skill sets and experiences with local requirements in the Canadian community. Simultaneously, Swapnil desires to expand the knowledge frontier of its members through induction of the new generation Bangladeshis and sustaining a learning platform through regular exchanges of new knowledge, fresh ideas and continuing education. Mobilization of Senior Citizens to address Climate Change Mitigation is a part of Swapnil’s agenda.
To get in touch: Khawaja Minnnatullah, Director and Focal Point Environment and Climate Change, at
Mississauga, ON

Green Goderich
Green Goderich is a grassroots organization that advocates for the environment as well as educates the public on environmental issues, plastic pollution, and climate change. Their primary focus is in Huron County. You can find updates on what Green Goderich is up to by signing up for their newsletter and check out their website for events and resources on environmental topics.
Learn more about Green Goderich.
Huron County, ON

Climate Action Muskoka
Climate Action Muskoka is composed of individuals concerned about climate change in Muskoka. They agree that climate change is the issue of our time, that it requires definitive action to face it, and that they are stronger if they work together. They are an inclusive, non-partisan group that is all about positive change.
Their main goal is to work with local governments and the community to “move the needle” on climate action to build a more resilient community as Muskoka transitions to a post-carbon future.
Learn more about Climate Action Muskoka
Muskoka, ON

ClimateActionWR is a collaboration between local organizations, community members, and municipalities within Waterloo Region focused on climate change mitigation. Their community is working together to achieve Waterloo Region’s long-term goal of an 80% greenhouse gas emission reduction (based on 2010 levels) by 2050.
Their role is to coordinate the activities related to their community level climate action strategy, measure and monitor progress, and engage the wider community in climate action activities.
Learn more about ClimateActionWR
Waterloo Region, ON

Windsor of Change
Windsor of Change is a local community-based climate awareness project focusing on the Windsor-Essex region.
It aims to put climate change and climate action in the context of the region, and mobilize the community towards personal and social action.
Windsor of Change publishes posts, news, and updates by talented writers, contributors, and subject -matter experts, providing readers with scientifically and socially grounded information on the climate crisis in the Windsor-Essex region.
Check WOC out at
Windsor-Essex, ON
Western Canada

Eco-Elders for Climate Action (Calgary)
Gathering elder voices to advocate for meaningful action by all levels of government to ensure a carbon-neutral future for all generations. We are Calgary-based, Alberta-focused elders, including grandparents, great aunts and uncles, who care about the future of all children and a sustainable planet for all life. We are concerned about the slow pace of collective, concerted action on the climate crisis, and see ourselves as having an important voice in the discourse, and an active role in addressing the climate crisis, individually and collectively.
As Eco-Elders our Purpose is to:
- Engage, hold the conversation, help inform, and increase awareness among our contemporaries; and where possible garner interest, energy and enthusiasm into action.
- Enable individuals and groups of elders to develop a sense of agency over what we can do, moving from complacency or despair to empowerment and action.
- Collaborate with other senior/elder groups provincially and nationally on climate action strategies.
To get in touch:
Calgary, AB

For Our Kids
We are a network of parents and grandparents in Canada fighting for a better world for our kids and grandkids. Our vision is a green, equitable, and just world where our children and grandchildren grow up safe and healthy. We amplify the actions and voices of community-based, parent-led groups to impact elected officials and decision-makers.
Learn more about For Our Kids.
British Columbia, Canada

Suzuki Elders
The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. We bring our voices, experiences and memories to mentor, motivate and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues. Suzuki Elders listen, learn, share and act through educating, communicating, connecting and non-partisan advocacy.
Learn more about Suzuki Elders.
Vancouver, BC

The Group of 78
Since its origins in 1981, the Group of 78 has promoted dialogue about a progressive Canadian foreign policy, based on the principles of sustainable PEACE through common security, JUSTICE in prosperity, equity, inclusion with diversity, and SURVIVAL of our planet in the face of modern human activity.
Ottawa, ON
Climate Legacy is hosted by the Group of 78.

Below 2C
Below 2C’s vision is a fossil-free Canada during our grandchildren’s lifetime. Their goals are the following:
- To raise awareness about the need to limit the warming of the planet to less than 2°C.
- To influence our politicians at all levels to take pressing action on pricing carbon.
- To facilitate and accelerate our transition to a clean energy platform by 2050.
Ottawa, ON

Citizen Climate Counsel/Conseil des Citoyens sur le Climat (C3)
A group of retired seniors who collectively have over 300 person years of experience in environmental management, both domestic and international, as well as extensive senior level experience with decision-making, governance, policy and legal issues; indigenous, vulnerable groups and social issues; and working with all levels of government and the private and not-for profit sectors. We offer high level strategic help (research, short briefings, networking) to take advantage of opportunities to enhance the city of Ottawa’s ability to move forward on climate change issues thoughtfully and swiftly while engaging with the citizens of Ottawa in the process.
To get in touch: Darlene Pearson at
Ottawa, ON

Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR)
CACOR is a non-governmental organization dedicated to intelligent debate and action on global issues. Our mission is to actively engage the public and decision-makers on key global and Canadian issues by encouraging you to share information; to inform and motivate citizens and decision-makers to take action to limit, stabilize and reverse demands on local ecosystems and the global ecosystem.
Ottawa, ON

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national, progressive organization of members who are inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. Their work focuses on three key policy areas: poverty in Canada, climate justice, and refugee rights. For more than 50 years, justice-oriented people of faith, along with churches and religious orders, have joined their voices as Citizens for Public Justice. Together, they’re working towards a better Canada. Citizens for Public Justice seeks human flourishing and the integrity of creation as our faithful response to God’s call for love and justice. They envision a world in which individuals, communities, societal institutions, and governments all contribute to and benefit from the common good.Their mission is to promote public justice in Canada by shaping key public policy debates through research and analysis, publishing, and public dialogue. CPJ encourages citizens, leaders in society, and governments to support policies and practices which reflect God’s call for love, justice, and the flourishing of Creation.
Ottawa, ON

Citizens’ Climate Lobby – NCR-CCL Chapter (Ottawa Region)
The mission of the Ottawa chapter of the CCL is to help grow a network of individuals and organizations committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We’re part of an international non-partisan, grassroots organization with about 600 chapters around the world. We build the political will for a stable, livable climate. Using science-based information on climate change, we develop relationships with our elected politicians and the media, and providing reliable information. Our specific goal is the creation and implementation of legislation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions with a rising carbon fee that is revenue-neutral. This will promote low-carbon alternatives and our transition to a net-zero economy. This policy will save lives, improve health, conserve nature, promote equity and position Canada to participate in the growth of a global climate-smart economy.
Ottawa, ON

Climate Action for Lifelong Learners
CALL believes that climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Their purpose is to bring Lifelong Learners together into the fight against climate change by providing learning opportunities that move us from curiosity to action.
Call does this work through monthly learning meetings and work groups – previous topics have included climate change adaptation, home retrofits, electricity system challenges, Indigenous perspectives and COP overviews.
Learn more about Climate Action for Lifelong Learners. You can reach them at
Toronto, ON

Climate Change Café
In July 2019, we organized a small community dialogue of environmental activists and other interested people, on coping with climate change in our lives.
In July 2019, we organized a small community dialogue of environmental activists and other interested people, on coping with climate change in our lives.
Kate McLaren, of Climate Change Café, is the artist who painted the beautiful artwork that you can find throughout our website. Learn more about her and her artwork here.
Perth, ON

Climate Network Lanark
The mission of the network is to connect, coordinate, facilitate, initiate and support collaborative efforts and actions by and for the community to address the impacts of climate change through both mitigation and adaptation.
Learn more about Climate Network Lanark.
Lanark County, Smiths Falls & Area, ON

County Sustainability Group
CSG was formed in 2006 and has consistently been supporting sustainable solutions to the complex problems that are associated with food and fuel security, globally and locally. They bring a global perspective to local activities in Prince Edward County. By exploring and initiating practical ways of doing this, they engage with others working towards a desirable future.
Learn about County Sustainability Group.
Prince Edward County, ON

Eco-Elders for Climate Action (Calgary)
Gathering elder voices to advocate for meaningful action by all levels of government to ensure a carbon-neutral future for all generations. We are Calgary-based, Alberta-focused elders, including grandparents, great aunts and uncles, who care about the future of all children and a sustainable planet for all life. We are concerned about the slow pace of collective, concerted action on the climate crisis, and see ourselves as having an important voice in the discourse, and an active role in addressing the climate crisis, individually and collectively.
As Eco-Elders our Purpose is to:
- Engage, hold the conversation, help inform, and increase awareness among our contemporaries; and where possible garner interest, energy and enthusiasm into action.
- Enable individuals and groups of elders to develop a sense of agency over what we can do, moving from complacency or despair to empowerment and action.
- Collaborate with other senior/elder groups provincially and nationally on climate action strategies.
To get in touch:
Calgary, AB

Ecological Farmers of Ontario
Ecological Farmers of Ontario’s mission is to support farmers to build resilient ecological farms and grow a strong knowledge-sharing community. We envision an Ontario where thriving ecological farms are the foundation of our food system, and where agriculture protects our resources, increases biodiversity, mitigates climate change, and fosters healthy, vibrant communities.
Established in 1979 by farmers for farmers, EFAO is a membership organization that focuses on farmer-led education, research and community building. EFAO brings farmers together so they can learn from each other and improve the health of their soils, crops, livestock and the environment, while running profitable farm businesses.
Guelph, ON

The Energy Mix
The Energy Mix is published by Energy Mix Productions Inc., a Canadian non-profit that promotes community awareness of, engagement in, and action on climate change, energy, and carbon-free solutions. They are a centring point—in functional terms, a rewrite desk—for the avalanche of climate news that appears every morning, making it easier track the most important stories and cut through the backlog on email and social media.
Learn more about the Energy Mix.
Ottawa, ON

For Our Grandchildren
For Our Grandchildren’s mission is to engage and mobilize our community to take effective action to combat climate change. In relentless pursuit of this mission, they advocate/enlist support from local governments and collaborate effectively with like-minded community organizations.
Peterborough, ON

For Our Kids
We are a network of parents and grandparents in Canada fighting for a better world for our kids and grandkids. Our vision is a green, equitable, and just world where our children and grandchildren grow up safe and healthy. We amplify the actions and voices of community-based, parent-led groups to impact elected officials and decision-makers.
Learn more about For Our Kids.
British Columbia, Canada

Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet (GASP)
GASP is a grassroots, non-partisan group of grandmothers and grand ‘others’ who care deeply about the world our descendants will inherit. We join with young people and our grandchildren to amplify their voices in the fight for our planet.
Halton/Hamilton Region, ON

Grandmothers’ Advocacy Network (GRAN)
GRAN is a dynamic network of volunteers from across Canada working together to influence policy change and stimulate effective action in Canada and internationally to promote and protect the human rights of grandmothers, children and youth of sub-Saharan Africa. GRAN’s work is grounded on a firm commitment to social justice, equality and human rights. Older women and the children they support are at the centre of our advocacy.
Peterborough, ON

Just Recovery Kingston
Just Recovery Kingston formed during COVID to “build back better” at the local level—a recovery that puts people and the environment first. This year they are focussed on expanding access to community gardens on city land and expanding fare-free transit in Kingston.
Kingston, On

Living Green
Our group meets twice a month to identify ways we can help each other and our rural community to live greener. We believe it is important to have practical projects that engage our community members. As we live far from any supermarkets our focus since the beginning has been on ways to enhance local food production, processing, and storage. We are studying permaculture methods, planting nut trees, and learning how to graft fruit trees, make sauerkraut, and press apples. We plan to revive the practice of storing winter vegetables in root cellars that we construct. We share information on ecological issues through discussion and films, and we have begun a series of presentations by local artists whose works feature environmental themes. We aim to have a stronger and more resilient community that can meet the environmental challenges we face today and in the future.
To get in touch:
Matawatchan, ON

Peterborough Alliance for Climate Action (PACA)
Organizes demonstrations and events to inspire awareness and action on climate change. Current campaigns include: sending the City’s Emergency Declaration to Peterborough businesses, an electric school bus campaign, a city anti-idling campaign, and an active transit campaign.
To get in touch:
Peterborough, ON

Seniors for Climate Action Now! (SCAN)
Young people are calling on governments to act decisively on the climate emergency. As seniors we will support their lead, amplify their voices and add our own to the growing movement for climate action. We are building a seniors’ climate action group. One that is democratic, accountable, equitable and participatory. A community in which we value each other’s knowledge, experience and views.
Our group will inform and mobilize seniors in an effort to prevent more climate catastrophes. We recognize that climate action is also a demand for social justice and economic transformation-the opportunity, as well as the need, to address racism and economic inequities. We know that Canada was founded on the occupation/invasion/colonization of Indigenous lands. We are in this for the sake of future generations and the survival of life on the planet.
Check out their website, or connect with SCAN on Facebook, Twitter (@Seniors_CAN) & Instagram (@Seniorsforclimateactionnow).
Halton/Hamilton Region, ON

Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford
Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford is focused on taking positive, practical action to address the climate crisis. They are made up of the citizens of the Merrickville-Wolford area, anyone who wants to contribute to actions big and small to learn together, build community resilience, and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future. They have been gathering and working together since the fall of 2019. They began with a community potluck, and have enjoyed many planning evenings sharing a meal while discussing strategies to bring greater awareness to practical ways to contribute to solving the climate crisis.
Learn more about Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford.
Merrickville-Wolford, ON

Suzuki Elders
The Suzuki Elders are a voluntary association of self-identified elders working with and through the David Suzuki Foundation. We bring our voices, experiences and memories to mentor, motivate and support other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues. Suzuki Elders listen, learn, share and act through educating, communicating, connecting and non-partisan advocacy.
Learn more about Suzuki Elders.
Vancouver, BC

Swapnil Canada
Swapnil’s aim is to enhance Bangladeshi newcomers’ integration into the Canadian economy by tailoring members’ diverse global skill sets and experiences with local requirements in the Canadian community. Simultaneously, Swapnil desires to expand the knowledge frontier of its members through induction of the new generation Bangladeshis and sustaining a learning platform through regular exchanges of new knowledge, fresh ideas and continuing education. Mobilization of senior citizens to address climate change mitigation is a part of Swapnil’s agenda.
To get in touch: Khawaja Minnnatullah, Director and Focal Point Environment and Climate Change, at
Mississauga, ON

Green Goderich
Green Goderich is a grassroots organization that advocates for the environment as well as educates the public on environmental issues, plastic pollution, and climate change. Their primary focus is in Huron County. You can find updates on what Green Goderich is up to by signing up for their newsletter and check out their website for events and resources on environmental topics.
Learn more about Green Goderich.
Huron County, ON

Transition Cornwall+
Transition Cornwall+ is part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that began in the United Kingdom in 2005 and has since spread to hundreds of communities around the world. They are one of the many Canadian communities associated with the international Transition Network.
Transition Cornwall+ supports Cornwall and neighbouring communities in facing challenges such as the rising cost of energy and food, extreme weather, and financial uncertainty. By working together right now, they aim to create a more affordable, caring, healthy and secure future for all.
Learn more about Transition Cornwall+
Cornwall area, ON

Sustainable Orillia
Sustainable Orillia is a network of citizens committed to improving the quality of life, the health and wellness, and the environment in our community. Mandated and supported by the Mayor and Council, Sustainable Orillia provides an overarching framework for programs and partnerships that target more sustainable practices linking community environment, economics and society.
The mission of Sustainable Orillia is to engage the community in actions that build more rewarding and healthy lives for the people of Orillia, our children and grandchildren.
Learn more about Sustainable Orillia
Orillia, On

Climate Action Muskoka
Climate Action Muskoka is composed of individuals concerned about climate change in Muskoka. They agree that climate change is the issue of our time, that it requires definitive action to face it, and that they are stronger if they work together. They are an inclusive, non-partisan group that is all about positive change.
Their main goal is to work with local governments and the community to “move the needle” on climate action to build a more resilient community as Muskoka transitions to a post-carbon future.
Learn more about Climate Action Muskoka
Muskoka, ON

Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-op
The Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative, incorporated in 2010, has continued to grow as a local, green investment opportunity in Eastern Ontario. They strive to provide residents of the area with the chance to diversify their portfolios by investing in renewable energy development in their own communities. With a growing portfolio and membership, the Co-operative continues to expand its horizons every year, while staying true to its grassroots origins.
Ottawa region, ON

ClimateActionWR is a collaboration between local organizations, community members, and municipalities within Waterloo Region focused on climate change mitigation. Their community is working together to achieve Waterloo Region’s long-term goal of an 80% greenhouse gas emission reduction (based on 2010 levels) by 2050.
Their role is to coordinate the activities related to their community level climate action strategy, measure and monitor progress, and engage the wider community in climate action activities.
Learn more about ClimateActionWR
Waterloo Region, ON

Windsor of Change
Windsor of Change is a local community-based climate awareness project focusing on the Windsor-Essex region.
It aims to put climate change and climate action in the context of the region, and mobilize the community towards personal and social action.
Windsor of Change publishes posts, news, and updates by talented writers, contributors, and subject -matter experts, providing readers with scientifically and socially grounded information on the climate crisis in the Windsor-Essex region.
Check WOC out at
Windsor-Essex, ON

Environment Haliburton
Environment Haliburton (or EH!) takes a comprehensive view of environmental issues in Haliburton County and provides a strong voice to encourage positive initiatives and oppose those that could have an adverse effect on the environment.
EH! also recognizes and wants to work with other organizations that have an interest in specific environmental subjects: forest, wetlands, headwaters, trails, recreation, lake associations etc.
Learn more about Environment Haliburton
Haliburton County