Roy Culpeper, steering committee member of Climate Legacy and Chair of the Group of 78, has written an op-ed for the Hill Times about the need for Canada to step up its commitment to global collaboration on climate adaptation. Canada chose to co-lead with Germany the effort to fundraise the $100 billion per year to finance climate adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. Yet, as Culpeper writes, “Canada is far from paying its fair share of climate financing”, and therefore has little clout to encourage others to add more money to the pot.
As Canadians we like to see our role on the global stage as peace-makers and negotiators, but the time when we had real influence on global politics has sadly passed, thanks in part to our government’s unwillingness to take bold action on climate change. Yet, as Culpeper writes, it is not too late for Canada to make a change. You can read his full op-ed below or on the Hill Times website.