2021 has been a year of hope and challenges, a roller coaster ride I think we all wish would end. Luckily, we only have three weeks left before we welcome in a new year and with a new year comes new opportunities to make change and to fight for the environment and climate justice.
It has been an honour to share the stories of our Network members this year, who have worked tirelessly for equity, conservation, emissions reductions and real action on the part of institutions and governments at all levels. This month’s newsletter provides a snapshot of what some of our members have achieved—and it’s just that! A snapshot! What they have all done this year could fill a book.
It has been inspiring to work with you all, and we at Climate Legacy look forward to collaborating, celebrating and persevering with you this year
The Group of 78 put on a thought-provoking conference this year Adaptation: Building Resilience in the Climate Emergency.-Check out the recordings, available on YouTube.
Below2°C has been a lead organizer in various campaigns to urge banks to stop funding fossil fuel companies. #FireYourFossilBank campaign and #RBCIsKillingMe action are just two examples.

For Our Kids stepped onto the political stage this year in a big way, writing Op-Eds and contacting their MPs demanding they review Bill C-12, which resulted in changes to the Bill.

County Sustainability Group has been hard at work with their partner organizations to conserve Prince Edwards County’s shorelines and natural environment. Two members recently worked with Ontario Farmland Trust to protect their farm from developers in perpetuity!

Eco-Elders for Climate Action Calgary have been fighting coal projects in Alberta and pushing elected officials to consider a sustainable economic model for the province.

As members of Farmers For Climate Solutions – Fermiers pour la transition climatique, the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario – EFAO were part of a successful push to get money for sustainable farming into the 2021 federal budget!

CACOR continues to have wonderful webinars about climate change and how we can address it. Check out their events schedule!
ClimateActionWR participated in an incredible accomplishment, the TransformWR Strategy, which sets the Waterloo Region’s pathway to achieving an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050!

Citizens Climate Lobby Canada has been shifting their efforts towards asking MPs for cross-party cooperation and ask them to sign on to the Parliamentarians’ Call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future.

Climate Network Lanark has been working with their allies and municipalities to get Lanark County to develop its first Climate Action Plan.

For Our Grandchildren continues to push politicians to take climate action and collaborating with youth to make it happen!

The Energy Mix did some great reporting during the COP26 in November. Read their analysis here.

GASP – Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet has been busy pushing for better climate policies in Ontario and pushing banks to divest from fossil fuels. Some GASP members recently helped stop urban boundary expansion in Hamilton!

Just Recovery Kingston has been fighting for free transit, attending climate strikes, and is in the midst of planning their strategy for the upcoming provincial elections.

Seniors for Climate Action Now has been putting out reports, submitting to federal government consultations and pushing the Canadian Pension Plan to divest from fossil fuels.

Sustainable Merrickville-Wolford – a Potluck Action Group continued its support of the Merrickville Seed Library, and is exploring how to connect with Conservative MPs, who appear less concerned about the climate.

Green Goderich’s tree planting initiative won the Compass Minerals Environmental and Sustainability Award as part of the Chamber of Commerce – Goderich, Central and North Huron’s virtual 2021 Spirit of Success Awards. Congrats Green Goderich!
Despite COVID-19 restrictions, Transition Cornwall + was able to hold one of its signature events: the Incredible Edibles Giveaway, to get people into gardening and sustainable food production.

Sustainable Orillia created their EV information portal this year! A great resource for those wanting to learn the ins and outs of electric vehicles.

Climate Action Muskoka worked hard to get municipalities in Muskoka to declare climate emergencies. In 2021 alone, four municipalities adopted climate emergency resolutions!

OREC – Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative acquired two wind energy projects in 2021!
Environment Haliburton Climate Legacy’s newest member, organized a rally for the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. They got a councillor and the County’s climate change coordinator to step out and engage in some “constructive and positive dialogue”.